What can a woman do about decreased libido?

Decreased libido can have many causes. Sometimes a dip in sex drive can be explained by a medication you’re taking; other times it is related to more personal changes, like lacking communication with a sexual partner. Depending on the cause, there can be many different approaches to increasing libido for women.

This is normal

First, it is important to know that the most common sexual issue among American women is a decreased interest in sex. It is very normal to experience times when libido is lower or higher, and if the dips are not causing you any distress, you may not need to do anything at all. Sometimes it is ok to just “not feel like it” for a while.

However, if you are feeling negatively about a decreased libido, know that you are not alone in that either. Your sexual satisfaction is an important part of your overall health and well-being, and you have every right to look into options for bringing your sex drive back.

Your doctor can help

Coming in for an appointment will give us a chance to check physical and medical causes of decreased libido.

Your provider can perform a pelvic exam to check for thinning, lax, or dry vaginal lining, all of which can contribute to painful or dull sex. It’s no surprise that when sex is uncomfortable, our bodies will respond by turning down our sex drive.

We can also run tests to check for things like diabetes, thyroid problems, high blood pressure, or low estrogen levels, which cause the body to decrease libido.

Hormone Therapy

If you are experiencing menopause or are postmenopausal, and if your hormone levels come back as lower than usual, we may suggest that you try bioidentical hormone therapy.

Hormone therapy is a safe, quick, and effective way to rebalance your hormones and bring back a more typical level of libido. We administer low-dose hormone pellets through a short and painless procedure in office. There is no recovery time, and the pellets can last up to 6 months at a time.


If you are over 21 and your vaginal lining is loosened (from childbirth or hormonal changes) or desensitized, we may suggest you try Votiva.

Votiva is a non-invasive device that uses gentle heat to improve blood circulation, reduce muscle pain, and enhance muscle relaxation in the vaginal tissue. When used in conjunction with physical therapy exercises, such as Kegels, it can tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor. All of this will contribute to a more enjoyable and comfortable experience during sex, which increases libido.

Medication Adjustments

When you come in for your appointment, you’ll want to bring a full list of the medications you’re taking. This is helpful because certain drugs cause decreased libido as a side effect, and simply changing to a different medication that treats the same problem may help. We can work with the provider who prescribed it in the first place to see whether a switch is possible.

On the other hand, if your blood test reveals an issue like high blood pressure or diabetes, we can help you get connected to the right resources for starting medications to treat it. As the issue is treated, you may find that your libido returns.

Other solutions

The truth about libido is that it is not only a medical or physical experience. Desire for sex comes from a complex relationship between psychological, emotional, social, and — yes — physical parts of our lives.

Often, sex drive can also be increased by the following non-medical changes:

  • Increased communication with sexual partner, both about emotional subjects and about what feels good during sex

  • Regular exercise

  • Improved coping with stress

  • Decreasing smoking, use of drugs, and consumption of alcohol

  • Trying new approaches to sex, e.g. changing time of day or position

  • Setting aside time for intimacy

  • Taking the pressure off sex and focusing on nurturing yourself and/or your relationship with your partner outside of the bedroom

The many treatments and solutions listed above are a reflection of the many situations that can lead to decreased libido. Talking with your doctor can help send you on a path toward addressing your concerns, even if ultimately the cause is not physical or medical. If you’d like to make an appointment, give us a call at (681) 282-5591 or make an appointment through the portal.

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